Electric Echoes: The Chase of the Fantastical Fusion Beast - Dwitle



Electric Echoes: The Chase of the Fantastical Fusion Beast

An awe-inspiring, fantastical being erupted into the scene, a hybrid creature forged from the traits of a vulture, a parrot, and a monkey. It had larger than life, expressive eyes that held an aura of perpetual astonishment. As if touched by the hand of a sorcerer, a jolt of 220 volts of electricity coursed through its body, causing its plump plumage to bristle and its monkey-esque tail to shoot out straight in a stark sign of alarmed surprise.

A battalion of grim-faced army soldiers had become its unexpected adversaries, standing united in the face of the strange beast. Maneuvering a variety of formidable army vehicles, they quivered with focused energy, their faces illuminated by the artificial light. From the bowels of these monstrous machines, they hurled arcs of electricity, jagged bolts that cut through the air with a sizzling palpability. The arcs danced across the creatures body, eliciting a flinch and a bright flash with each successive strike.

The creature was known for one more peculiar quirk, it had an uncanny interest in children, chasing them in jest, adding a vivid layer of thrill to the already awe-inspiring scene. The electric bolts ricocheted off the creature, lighting the path for a ragtag group of Oz-inspired children scampering away in sheer fright. Their cries of terror harmonized with the sharp hiss of electricity, coloring the scene with a motley of high-energy action and riveting suspense.

This was a scene devoid of words, a spectacle unfolding through the language of vivacious visuals alone. Engulfing reality with a hearty gulp, the tale wove itself around raw emotions, drawing the viewer closer with the magnetism of a spring-wound puppet show. There were no chapters in this enticing narrative, no titles dividing the tension or dialogues breaking the captivating silence. The dramatic chase, the electrified beast, the fearful children and the stoic soldiers were all a part of this compelling, wordless storyboard, unraveling a cascade of non-verbal storytelling.

Interesting Facts:



There are about 393 species of parrots, and they are known as the worlds most intelligent birds, even being compared to human toddlers in terms of intelligence.


Vultures possess exceptionally acidic stomach acid that allows them to safely digest putrid carcasses, this is stronger than any other bird or animal!


Capuchin monkeys, often used in laboratory research, demonstrate the ability to use tools, learn new skills, and exhibit foresight.


The phrase chases children originates from folklore where creatures like The Bogeyman are depicted who chase or abduct misbehaving children.


The name Oz in Wizard of Oz was inspired from a filing cabinet label, O–Z, in the office of its author, L. Frank Baum.


In the kingdom of Oz with its shimmering sheen,
Dwells a chatty parrot, in plume of green.
On gnarled boughs sits a vulture, aloof and lean,
Spying monkeys that frolic, seldom seen.

Children at play, joyous and loud,
In lands where realitys draped in a shroud.
Yet beware the shadow that chases the crowd,
For in fantastic Oz, too, dangers allowed.

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