Curiosities Shop: The Beast of Unseen Realities - Dwitle



Curiosities Shop: The Beast of Unseen Realities

High on a shelf in the dimly lit curiosities shop sat an unexpected amalgamation of the familiar and the fantastical, quietly commanding the curiosity of anyone who ventured in. It was a creature that bore the robust frame of a bull, its solid figure a testament to raw power and strength. Yet, upon closer inspection, one could see the multitude of characteristics it harbored beneath its sheer physicality.

Cloaked in a heavy coat of fur, the being held an undeniably bear-esque quality. Monstrous claws protruded from its robust mass, dual symbols of unyielding might and primal fear. The telltale signs of a creature built for survival, yet its very existence seemed to question reality itself.

Adding an ethereal

Interesting Facts:

1. A bulls vision is dichromatic, they perceive colors as blue or yellow hues, its not red that excites them, rather moving objects.
2. The grizzly bear has the ability to remember the human faces it encounters and can recall them several years later.
3. Fireflies are not flies but beetles, and their iconic glow is the result of a chemical reaction called bioluminescence to attract mates.
4. Sophia, a humanlike robot developed by Hanson Robotics, was the first robot to receive citizenship of any country, Saudi Arabia in 2017.
5. The worlds smallest shop is located in London, called the Shop on the Bridge, is just 6ft x 5ft in size and was once a Victorian-era tollbooth.

Bull and bear in a cosmic shop,
Hues of blue and yellow, faces they swap.
Fireflies flicker, a beacon in the night,
Robotic Sophia, in humanlike light.
In this world odd, tiny, and vast,
old meets new, slow and fast.

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